NNY Spring SET April 26 focusing on 60 Meter NVIS operation for beyond line-of-sight regional coverage.
2025 EVENTS PAGE has been updated with Hamfests, Swapmeets, and more from within the Section and beyond!
Welcome to the Internet home of the American Radio Relay League's Northern New York Section. The section is composed of ten counties within the Atlantic Division, and is divided into two districts to better serve the population of amateur radio operators within our service area.
Here you will find information regarding amateur radio activities and events within the section, along with relevant links. This will include clubs, individual hams, the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and the National Traffic System (NTS). However, to do that we need to know what you and your group are doing. Please share your announcements, articles and pictures so that we can showcase all the good things that amateur radio does in our communities and expose more of the public to this amazing hobby.
We work hard to keep this website updated regularly - and you can help by submitting information regarding your amateur radio activity in the section! Please contact us if you encounter difficulty using the site or are looking for something specific.
The NNY section is looking for volunteers to be Official Emergency Stations. If you reside in the NNY Section and you are interested in finding out how to become an Official Emergency Station please contact your County ARES Emergency Coordinator, the , or any other section official and they would be glad to talk with you. More information can be found on the ARRL's website regarding Official Emergency Stations.