Section Manager Blog

There has been a lot of talk of doing Winter Field Day throughout the section this year. That sounds like a pretty cool idea and one I would like to support. There are many different ways you can participate in Winter Field day. You certainly do not have to go out a set up a tent and operate in the...

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Hello Fellow NNY Hams,

I wanted to pass along some of the exciting things that have been happening in the NNY section to you. Let me start by saying it is a privilege to be allowed to serve as section manager for our section. We have so many great people all pulling in the same direction, great cl...

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Over the past couple of weeks I have had some people ask me what they can do to help with some of the things we have going on within the section. The simple answer is, “Get Involved”. You do not have to make a long term commitment to be involved in the section. For example, helping out your local ra...

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Hi Everyone,

Some time ago, I made up this document and profile for Netlogger. Since then, we have moved the site that hosts the file to this site. Because of that, new instructions have been created to help with the transition to the new site and also to help new users of this profile get it inst...

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As we move into 2023 I am once again calling on the well-seasoned veterans of ham radio to remember the importance of mentoring new hams or those who are getting into a new mode of operation. Over the past several months, I have been reminded of the importance of this over and over again.

I would...

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The ARRL has named 2023 as the "Year of the Volunteer" and they are conducting a year-long operating event to celebrate. This event honors all ARRL volunteers. Please see the ARRL VOTA page for more information. That page can be found at: There is a very good FAQ included...

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Recently Bob, KD2QLH has started an HF Digital Net to help us all become more proficient with digital operation. The net had run a couple of times now and it looks like this net will be a success. I wanted to post some information about the net here and invite everyone to attend. It is a pretty easy...

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Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take some time this month to thank all of you for everything you are doing to help make our club and our section better. Over the past several months, I have noticed that the amount of activity from clubs and individual operators is on the rise. This is great news for u...

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From The NYQP Site here are some of the changes for this year. It promises to be a good one.

Added the Portable class. We recognize that many operators make special trips for NYQP that may not fit well into another operating category. We want to recognize these ops for their efforts and encourage...

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ARRL-logo-Small Our section is looking for Official Relay Stations. We currently have none so it would be nice to get at least 2 or 3 volunteers.
This is a traffic-handling appointment that is open to all amateur radio operators with CW, Voice and / or digital capabilities that are ARRL members. You do not have t...

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Members from the Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association along with members from other Clubs got together this past weekend (Sept 11 & 12) to put the Cotton Hill VHF Club WB2UEE on the air for the ARRL September VHF Contest. The group chose the Leonard Mountain Fire Tower site in Gilboa to op...

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We are well into August and there are some popular Hamfests coming up that I thought I would share with you. I thought it would be nice to add some links that people could use to check out what is coming up soon.
Aug 26th-28th Northeast Ham Exposition
August 27th 4th Annual Roc City Hamfest

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The Northern New York Amateur Radio Association held its 1st annual swapfest on August 13th, 2022, at the Speculator Pavilion and Ball Field. Many people showed up to both buy and sell ham radio and computer related gear. There were many door prizes and give aways as well as a 50 / 50 raffle. We got...

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CQ CQ CQ, calling all NNY amateurs and amateurs in surrounding sections! The 1st annual Junk In The Trunk Swap fest in Speculator NY is just around the corner. On Saturday August 13th the NNYARA is sponsoring a swap fest at the Speculator Ballfield and Pavilion from 8:00AM until 12:30PM. There will...

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I'm glad you found our new NNY web site. I would like to take just a minute to thank Matt - NQ2U for creating this site for us! For those who do not know Matt, he is a very busy man. Matt is our Section Youth Coordinator and very active in the local ham radio club as well as the community. Thank y...

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Thomas Dick, KF2GC, Section Manager for the ARRL Northern New York Section, has stepped down after serving, first from 2000-2006 and again from 2009-present. ARRL Field Services Manager Mike Walters, W8ZY, has appointed Rocco Conte, WU2M, of Gloversville, New York, to succeed him on an interim basis...

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