Essex County

Help Wanted!

Welcome to the Essex County ARES page

Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®), a program of ARRL, The national association for Amateur Radio®, is comprised of organized, trained, qualified, and credentialed Amateur Radio operators who augment and support vital communications on behalf of the public through partner agencies and organizations during emergencies and disasters. The Amateur Radio Emergency Service, through its volunteer radio communicators, strives to be an effective partner in emergency and disaster response, providing public service partners at all levels with radio communications expertise, capability, and capacity

Essex County ARES is recruiting Amateur Radio Operators, who want to support and serve their communities. If you do not have an Amateur Radio license, we can supply you with the materials and instruction to help you get your FCC Amateur Radio license. If you do have an Amateur Radio license and want to volunteer, we can train you.

Weekly net will be hosted every week on Tuesday at 8pm on Pisgah Repeater 14.030 +.6 PL 123. Also Belfry MTN repeater on 147.255 is back online with a local PL of 123 feel free to use it as a daily repeater.

If you are interested in technical activities or being involved with public service and emergency communications in Essex County, please contact Emergency Coordinator Nate Jones W2SLK or cell phone: 518-637-6912.

Even if you are relatively new ham, don't let that stop you from getting involved. If you don't have a license yet, we can help with that as well.

Useful links:
Tech Net Zoom Recordings

repeater book Essex County NY

Skywarn Spotter Storm Report

ARES Manual

NNY-ARES group