On April 8, a total solar eclipse will traverse the northern counties of NNY Section.

While the eclipse itself is not a problem, up to 100,000 people are expected to come to the area. It is expected that local resources will be overwhelmed.

Communications will likely become a problem, as cellular and Internet are overloaded with thousands of eclipse viewers calling and streaming video to the folks back home. Some municipalities and agencies are taking this seriously, others are not.

Some ARES groups have been asked to help and have requested additional resources from outside the area. Others have not yet been asked but are making preparations anyway.

If you are outside the area of totality, you can help by monitoring designated frequencies in case the need arises to relay information or formal messages.

NNY Section Emergency Coordinators will be meeting again on March 26 to work on the section-wide response plan.

https://groups.io/g/Eclipse-24-EmComm has been set up to discuss NNY eclipse communications plans.
