Winlink is emerging as a primary digital messaging mode for emcomm. I strongly urge all NNY ARES members to get set up if they are not already.

If you already have Winlink capability, please send me a Winlink message and tell me your county and whether you have Winlink HF, VHF, or both.

If you need help setting up WInlink, please contact me or attend this Zoom workshop:

Winlink for Emergency Communications: Beginners Workshop

The WaveTalkers crew will be hosting a workshop called: Winlink for Emergency Communications: Beginners Workshop, on Thursday evenings in the Month of February 2023 beginning on February 16, 2023 at 7pm Pacific Time.

This Introductory Workshop is targeted at hams radio operators who are NEW to Winlink. The goal of this series is to get New-To-Winlink users familiarized with the power of Winlink and how Winlink can complement Emergency Communications. At the completion of this multi week workshop, you should be able to send and receive winlink email messages and submit information via standard Winlink forms.

Topics covered in this workshop will include:

  • Introduction to Winlink
  • Basic installation and configuration of Winlink on a Windows 10/11 PC
  • Sending and receiving email via Winlink
  • Overview of common Winlink Terms and Concepts
  • Introduction to Basic Winlink Functions
  • Sending and Receiving Winlink Forms relevant to Emergency Communicators
  • Basic Radio to SoundCard Interface to Computer configurations

You will need a valid amateur radio license and access to a Windows 10 or 11 PC that you can install the Winlink application and other supporting applications onto in order to participate in this workshop. You do not need a Radio with a computer interface to benefit from this class as we will start with training users on the power of Winlink and how it can help your Emergency Communications organization better assist their served agency.

The workshop will be conducted via Zoom and space is limited to 250 participants. An internet connected computer with the latest version of Zoom installed, a webcam, microphone and speakers/headphones will be needed to participate.

This workshop will be offered for FREE to the first 250 hams that signup using the form below. If you regularly check-in via Winlink for WaveTalkers LIVE or any of the Winlink Wednesday events then you are already familiar with the content that will be presented. Please pass this invitation to other hams in your club or organization that would benefit from this Beginners Workshop.

Sign up by completing the form below. A confirmation email with links to the Zoom and additional resources will be sent prior to the first workshop session. By signing up, you give WaveTalkers permission to send you emails related to this course.

Thank you for joining us our this journey into ham radio and emergency communications.

Chris Mattia de W6AH
Ventura ARES Area 6 & ARES LAX NE/NW

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