Over the past couple of weeks I have had some people ask me what they can do to help with some of the things we have going on within the section. The simple answer is, “Get Involved”. You do not have to make a long term commitment to be involved in the section. For example, helping out your local radio club with projects and events is a great start. Busy clubs make happy clubs and a successful section. Helping your club and ARES also benefits your community and puts Ham Radio in a positive light with the community and the local government.
If you are looking for a bit more of a commitment, the section is looking for Official Emergency Stations. If you are interested in becoming one, contact your local ARES EC or section official for more information. We have a lack of Official Emergency station in the section and your help would be greatly appreciated. We currently have one station in Montgomery County and one in Fulton County. It would be nice to have one or two in each county in the NNY section.

The section is currently looking at hosting a section wide Technician class on Zoom. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping to host the Zoom meetings and help review the information from the assignments given to students and answer questions and further explain the material presented as required. These meetings will be between 60 and 90 minutes long. You will not have to be at every meeting. If you are able help out for one or two sessions, that would be a big help. We will also looking for Volunteer Examiners to help us after the completion of the course to help out with the testing. This is something we would like to do but we can’t do it without volunteers. If you can help, please contact me or any assistant section manager and let us know. We will happily put you on the list of volunteers!
Thank You for taking the time to read this and as always, thank you for all that you do!


Rocco – WU2M

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