Members from the Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association along with members from other Clubs got together this past weekend (Sept 11 & 12) to put the Cotton Hill VHF Club WB2UEE on the air for the ARRL September VHF Contest. The group chose the Leonard Mountain Fire Tower site in Gilboa to operate. They brought with them the Schoharie County ARA tower trailer to put up as the fire tower is unavailable to be used at this time. It is reported that the tower is under engineering review and may be available for use at some point in the future. The antennas used consisted of a 5 element M2 six meter beam, an 11 element Cushcraft two meter beam and a 23 Element 70CM beam. The group set up the operating position right at the base of the fire tower. It was a great time but it got cut a little short when the rain started late Sunday morning. Either way, it was a great fun and it was nice to put WB2UEE back on the air. There has already been talk of doing more VHF contesting in the future. Other clubs and operators from around the area have expressed interest as well. We look forward to seeing what this group can put together for next season!

SCARA banner at entrance Zoey, K2TRR's supervisor Antenna work begins Antenna work completed Operating Position Fantastic sunset! Night-time Operating Leonard Mountain Fire Tower

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