The ARRL has named 2023 as the "Year of the Volunteer" and they are conducting a year-long operating event to celebrate. This event honors all ARRL volunteers. Please see the ARRL VOTA page for more information. That page can be found at: There is a very good FAQ included that will answer most questions.
This event runs from January 1st 2023 (0000 UTC) to December 31st (2359 UTC)
During this time, when you upload to LoTW ( points will automatically calculated based on the station you worked and the point value assigned to that station. This is totally automatic and you need not do anything special. Just make contacts and upload them to LoTW as you normally would. If you are not a LoTW user please see “Getting Started with LoTW at this link:
A points table is also included at the VOTA site and it will be updated throughout the year as needed. Obviously, as appointment change this chart will adjusted to reflect those changes.
W1AW Activations from All 50 States!
If you are interested in working W1AW portable from all 50 states, then now is the best time ever! W1AW will be active from all 50 states. There will be a week by week schedule that is published online at
Online Leaderboard
It's easy to join in and to help you keep track, there is a leaderboard online at that will be active when the event starts.
Volunteers Point Value Table
Note: These appointments are for current appointees unless otherwise noted.
Eg: Assistant Director (AD) is only for the current Assistant Directors.
Past office-holders and appointees are only eligible if the title listed includes the word “Past,” such as “Past Section Manager (PSM).”
Abbreviation | Full Position/Title Name | Point value |
PRES | ARRL President | 300 |
PE | President Emeritus | 275 |
PP | Past President | 275 |
HVP | Honorary Vice President | 250 |
VP | ARRL Vice President | 250 |
DE | Director Emeritus | 225 |
DIR | Director | 225 |
PVP | Past Vice President | 225 |
VD | Vice Director | 200 |
SM | Section Manager | 175 |
OFF | Staff Officer, Treasurer, Counsel | 150 |
PD | Past Director | 150 |
PV | Past Vice Director | 125 |
ARRL | W1AW ARRL HQ Station | 100 |
CLM | ARRL Charter Life Member | 100 |
PSM | Past Section Manager | 100 |
DM | ARRL HQ Department Manager | 75 |
HQ | ARRL HQ Staff Member/Volunteer | 50 |
MAX | Maxim Society Member | 50 |
AC | CAC/DXAC/ECAC Advisory Members | 40 |
AD | Assistant Director | 40 |
ARDF | Direction Finding Coordinator | 35 |
ASM | Assistant Section Manager | 35 |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee | 35 |
LOTW | Logbook of the World Committee | 35 |
PRC | Public Relations Committee | 35 |
RF | RF Safety Committee | 35 |
YC | Youth Committee | 35 |
ACC | Affiliated Club Coordinator | 30 |
DEC | District Emergency Coordinator | 30 |
NCJ | NCJ Editor | 30 |
PIC | Public Information Coordinator | 30 |
QST | QST Columnist | 30 |
SEC | Section Emergency Coordinator | 30 |
SGL | State Government Liaison | 30 |
STM | Section Traffic Manager | 30 |
SYC | Section Youth Coordinator | 30 |
TC | Technical Coordinator | 30 |
DC | Diamond Club Member | 25 |
LAB | W1INF Lab Museum Operations | 25 |
LC | W1HQ HQ Operations | 25 |
CM | Contest Managers/Log Checkers | 20 |
QSM | Incoming QSL Bureau Manager | 20 |
VC | Volunteer Counsel | 15 |
VCE | Volunteer Consulting Engineer | 15 |
ADC | Area Digital Coordinators | 12 |
ADEC | Assistant District Emergency Coordinator | 12 |
ANM | Area Net Manager | 12 |
ASEC | Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator | 12 |
ASTM | Assistant Section Traffic Manager | 12 |
BM | Bulletin Manager | 12 |
EC | Emergency Coordinator | 12 |
LGL | Local Government Liaison | 12 |
OBS | Official Bulletin Station | 12 |
OES | Official Emergency Station | 12 |
ORS | Official Relay Station | 12 |
PIO | Public Information Officer | 12 |
RNM | Region Net Manager | 12 |
TCC | Transcontinental Corps Directors | 12 |
TS | Technical Specialist | 12 |
TA | Technical Advisor | 10 |
NM | Net Manager | 7 |
AM | Awards Manager | 5 |
CC | Card Checker | 5 |
INST | Registered Instructor | 5 |
State Abbrev | W1AW/x around the USA (work each state twice) | 5 |
VE | Volunteer Examiner | 5 |
QSL | Incoming QSL Bureau Sorters | 3 |
LM | ARRL Life Member | 2 |
AFF | ARRL Affiliated Club Call Sign | 1 |
MEM | ARRL Member | 1 |