Recently Bob, KD2QLH has started an HF Digital Net to help us all become more proficient with digital operation. The net had run a couple of times now and it looks like this net will be a success. I wanted to post some information about the net here and invite everyone to attend. It is a pretty easy net to check in to and Bob calls for QNI (Check In's) by county which makes it easy to avoid lots of doubling. The November 14th new ran about 45 minutes including a change in bands because 40 meters went long on us. I will post the information o the net but keep in mind that we will most likely be using 80 meters for the foreseeable future until 40 meters starts cooperating again. I will post some information below that Bob sent in his last email and edit it a bit for future use.

The net runs on the 2nd Monday of each month at 8PM Local time.

  1. The check in mode will be THOR22.
  2. Other modes that might be useful are Olivia 8-500, and MFSK32.
  3. I will be asking that everyone enable their RSID, so that mode changes will be received.
  4. I will also be asking for relays when I don’t hear any response. It seems that as the last net went on, those closer in lost reception. Relays will enable those further out to relay to those closer or on the weak side of my antenna.
  5. It has been suggested to use 80m instead of 40m. We will open the net on 40m at 7.065 USB for a while to see if we can make it work. If we have difficulties we will move to 80m at 3.583 USB.
  6. Rich KD2ZKZ will be the NetLogger and he will open the log at 7:45pm.
  7. We will still stick to just using Fldigi until we get the modes and net routine in place. So no messages yet. When we do move to messages I think we should use both Flamp and Flmsg. Flmsg to compose the message and Flamp to send it. More to come on that later.
  8. We can all do this. Send a tone before a message is sent so the receiving station can align their rig with the transmitter's signal and the software will interpret a modem change quickly and the whole data set will be received.

I have attached a picture of my filter settings optimized for THOR 22. This should work for most Icom radios with passband tuning and the filters set to 500Hz.

Filter%201 Filter%203 Filter%202

I want to thank Bob KD2QLH for doing this for us! We can all learn a lot from this net and I hope to see you on the net!


Rocco - WU2M

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