
I'm glad you found our new NNY web site. I would like to take just a minute to thank Matt - NQ2U for creating this site for us! For those who do not know Matt, he is a very busy man. Matt is our Section Youth Coordinator and very active in the local ham radio club as well as the community. Thank you, Matt, for all you do. I will try to blog here and keep you posted on some events and the things that I am doing in the section.

Right now, the primary goal is to get the right people in the right positions and start to get things organized in the section. We are getting there but we still need some people in key positions throughout the section. For example, we still do not have an Emergency Coordinator in Lewis County. Pete KC2WI and I have been discussing some ideas on how we may find someone to fill that position. If you are interested in it or you know of anyone, please reach out to Pete or me. We would love to hear from you. We are also looking for an Affiliated Club Coordinator for the section. More information about those and other positions in the ARRL Field Organization can be found at: http://www.arrl.org/field-organization. If you are interested in helping out with the section, please let me know.

I will be posting more information on the 1st Annual Junk In The Trunk Swap Meet in Speculator NY very soon. There is a flyer on our opening page with more information. Please try to attend if you can. Here is a link to Google Maps showing the site.

Well, until next time...... 73 & Good DX!

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