Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take some time this month to thank all of you for everything you are doing to help make our club and our section better. Over the past several months, I have noticed that the amount of activity from clubs and individual operators is on the rise. This is great news for us because we are actually starting to attract new membership in the clubs throughout the section! Congratulations to all of you for making things better!
Our activity in different traffic and ARES nets is on the rise. The net reports that I have been seeing show that more people are participating in nets and doing it on a pretty regular basis. I am also seeing more ARES activity including training activities. I want you all to know that this does not go unnoticed and it is exciting to hear people out of our section talk about what we are doing. None of this happens without us all working as a team and pulling in the same direction.

If you look at page 64 of QST this month you will see that once again NNY has filed both the Section Traffic Manager Report and the Section Emergency Coordinator Report.
Out of the 71 geographical sections in the US only 40 of them submitted the Section Traffic Manager Report and only 28 submitted the Section Emergency Coordinator Report. It is great to see "NNY" listed as having submitted both reports.

If you have not looked at our section website yet, I encourage you to do so. The site is at: http://nnyarrl.org There is a lot of information up on the site, including our NNY Logo and Motto contests. Information can be found at: https://nnyarrl.org/events/contest I hope you will consider entering a logo or a motto or both! We are planning on having some banners made up that clubs can use at functions and events.

Again Thank You Everyone for your participation and all that you do to make our section successful. Together, we make a great team and we are making a difference!



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